Harbor Notes 2022
“What’s on our radar for repair and replacement is Eliason Harbor Electrical,” says Sitka Harbormaster Stan Eliason. “Electrical replacement needs to be done and could take as much as $5 million. It is a serious need, but it’s difficult to say when it’s actually going to happen.”
Eliason is still planning on replacing the Fishermen’s Work Float. “That is a pretty critical piece of infrastructure, to get the fishermen back out there and fishing.” Eliason explains that the work float is a Tier II grant, while Tier I grants get priority.
The scoring of the Tier I and Tier II grant applications are announced at the Harbormaster’s Conference, held each fall by the Alaska Association of Harbormasters & Port Administrators (AAHP). This year’s conference is expected to be in Nome, and Eliason anticipates attending.
Revenue-wise, says Eliason, “The first year of the pandemic hit us hard. At least last year we did have cruise ships in at the end. And this year will be a full season.”
Eliason reiterates that charges are in place for use of the Eliason Harbor Drive-Down Load Dock and the Tidal Grid. The Load Dock is NOT to be used as moorage – it is not free after the first 24 hours.
Moorage rate increases are anticipated this year of anywhere from 5-7%. The City Assembly will be voting on those increases this Spring, and Eliason would like to see the Ports and Harbors Commission give their input as well.
As for the Raw Fish Tax, the pot from those monies from 2020 was very small, although how small was not fully known until late 2021 – it came to just $855,000.